

JEROMES DREAM + Special Guest

CoreChaos proudly presents

  • Sa
  • 05.08
  • 20.00h


Jeromes Dream is a hardcore band based in San Francisco, sharing a history with bands like Orchid, Saetia, Reversal of Man, and pageninetynine. After existing between 1997 and 2001, then reforming in 2018, JD will release their third full-length, The Gray In Between in 2023. The album introduces Sean Leary (Loma Prieta) on guitar and was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Jack Shirley (Deafheaven, Quicksand, Joyce Manor).

Their new album, The Gray In Between is a raw, unapologetically blistering, yet beautiful execution of hardcore that demonstrates a honed precession in songwriting, lyrical content, and boundless passion. This album is quite possibly the band’s best, most powerful, and most realized work to date.

Doors: 20.00 Uhr | Beginn: 20:30 Uhr

Hinweis zum Ticketpreis: 

Der Ticketpreis wird an der Abendkasse auf Pay-What-You-Want-Basis variabel sein.
0,00 Euro - 8,00 Euro - 16,00 Euro

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Abteilung 3 Urbane Kulturen & Internationales