

SESSION 4_ Dance & Parenthood

Ceren Oran & Moving Borders

  • Mi
  • 15.03
  • 19.30h

Once a freelancing dance artist or producer, and now; a mother?

Is having children end of a freelancing dance field career? How does the dance sector, funders & institutions deal with working parents? How does it feel to become a parent in the unstable environment of contemporary dance? Are the institutions taking steps in order to make “freelancing life” family friendly? How can we afford a year parental leave, where freelancing choreographers visibility and funding sustainability depends on constant producing and touring? Can we use the experience of becoming a parent in the artistic work? How does the awareness differ between different countries within Europe?

After having organised 3 “Ceren Oran & Moving Borders Sessions” last year with inspiring international panellists and moderators, in 2023 we continue with this format and this time we dig in a topic, that has become a daily routine and challenge for both of its founders.

Guests of the discussion panel will be:

  • Julia Rutigliano (Member of the board of Bühnunmütter iniciative)
  • Johanna Rogann (Director of "The Guts Company")
  • Laura Martegani (Cultural Initiator, Creative Production Manager )
  • Ceren Oran (Choreographer and Dancer).

Discussion will be moderated by Simone Schulte-Aladag.


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Das Projekt wird unterstützt durch DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm Tanz. In Kooperation mit Tanztendenz München, Theaterbüro München.